Monday, August 13, 2007

I'm a "Hall of Famer"!!!

The results are in for the first Creative Writing Challenge, and I won an Honorable Mention!!! Yes, a link to this very blog is now located on the Creative Writing Hall of Fame page! They even gave me a cool "Badge of Honor" that you will notice over in the right hand column.

Here is a link to the blog entry that is my story, entitled...

In case you missed it, the details for the Creative Writing Challenge was to write a creative & original submission that is less than 750 words and includes each of the following ten words or phrases with hyperlinks to the entry for each one. The words for this particular challenge were:
  • quixotic
  • for all intents and purposes
  • melissophobia
  • yo-yo
  • perfunctory
  • brown recluse spider
  • abrogate
  • Belize
  • ubiquitous
  • quid pro quo

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Got "INDIGESTION"??? --Sci-Fi Short Story

Last year, my short story, "Indigestion", was published in Issue #6 of Apex Digest (a horror/sci-fi magazine). Not only did the story have the honor of sharing pages with sci-fi great Ben Bova, but it was also chosen as one of eight tales included in the Best of Apex: 2006 Special Issue!

"Indigestion" details the efforts of Hardin, a man trapped on a futuristic colony of Earth, as he attempts to escape from his mundane life of servitude using a unique plan. Here is one of the many great reviews the story received:

"For an author’s first published piece of fiction, Robby Sparks has made ‘Indigestion’ the absolute stand out of this collection. Funny, serious – and with surprising plot-twists and pre-planned overtures, I found myself wanting more even though its length exceeds the rest. Here, earth is ruled by callous alien superiors and one fragile human named Hardin has had enough. With alien delegates having names like ‘Girobian’ (one gets the feeling of delicious caricatures resembling Star-Trek aliens of the sixties), and toilet happenings that take on a scientific edge – Indigestion will leave you frazzled but pumped. It’s an electrifying tale and I hope to see more of Robby’s work soon."
-- From Horrorscope: Austrailan Dark Fiction Web Log

Unlike the magazine itself, which is available online and at most major bookstores, this special edition is only be available from the Apex website: (

If you do decide to order a copy, please be sure to tell the editor that you're interested in the Robby Sparks fiction, and that, for once, you really look forward to having INDIGESTION!!!! :)

Teaser for "The Door of Apex"

Here's a teaser for one of my video projects that's currently in production. It's a short film for "Apex Digest", a great horror and sci-fi magazine you should subscribe to ;)

Check out the teaser: