Saturday, November 17, 2007
The World is Flat
My little cousin Alexis has sent me a visitor -- Flat Stanley. He'll be staying at my house for a while before he has to go back home. Already, we've seen and done so much! Just a few days ago, Flat Stanley saw a dolphin for the very first time at SeaWorld. He couldn't believe that I see them playing in the river near my house.
He liked the dolphins so much, he wanted to swim with them. I insisted he, at least, take off his shoes and tie, but that Stanley is so silly. He just dived on in!
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Im Glad to see that You have taught Stanley how to swim,will save me some work this summer.
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stanley needs some flat swim wear if you plan on taking him swimming.
For the "previous" Flat Stanley (yes, we've been visited more than once) we did, in fact, made him flat swimwear, a flat hawaiian shirt, and flat sunglasses for his day at the beach. But we had an incident when we took him body boarding. Fortunately, that is why we often use "Flat Stanley" stunt doubles.
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